Last year my buddy and i hooked up a homeade sattellite dish and recorded this FIRST SPACEREX TRANSMISSION.

Now trhat buddy DISAPPEARED a few weeks ago and the FBI came to me. THey fu#ing sweated me and sh@. But the dude was cool. I wouldn't want to fu# with im. WHY WOUL:d I Fuc# with my own bud who helpeed me ????? @ firtsw I was just itnerested in finkdingsomeone who know the Producer of the pirate TV station. Playing all this weird sci fi shi@. was watermoaed in the left corn=er of everyithing. And thery was a weierd babyt logo int he right corner. FBF, quality, pride it says. EVerything that comes in on that frie2ency on the satellite has the same 2 hthings on it. FBF quality, pride.

Theirs a ANOTHER SPACEREX TRANSMISSION that My buddy John recorded -- probably before the one I recorded. alot of poeple didn't laik it. Said a lot of xaery shi@. I atgree itw' them. Whiit all the shi@ tahtsgoing down. Now i don't even trun=st nmy freinds. Ever since i did the webcast of the transmission, it's been raining shi@ on me. THe fucking Motherlode Pictures company is suing me. Some ass named Will Dailyrest calls me up and asks me where I fgot his film. So now I'm getting used for putting HIS movie on the internet. I was doing him a favor. Ad far as I can tell hes' a nobody. I don't know whey his mfoml was broadcast wtih out him knowing about it. Seems like he should be going after the guy that putt it up on satellite. BNot me.

And now some BIACH named Felicia Lucksmith or sonme shi@ has written me a leter saying I gotta remove tha baby head and logo. She says thath it's her compoany logo and shoe never auothorixed it or some shi@.

If you have any information about these clips or you are interested in helping me find the producer of the show, please contact us

I'm offering a ca$h reward for any info that lead$ to the $ale of this domain name.

Thanks, Spatz Curtis.