Welcome to Spacerex.com! Where we pay CA$H for information about what you $ee here.

I was hooking up a home-made satellite dish, and I got this science fiction show about two guys and an alien or something living in an old brick building. The building is either inside a giant planetarium, or it's supposed to be floating in outer space.

The show, which you can view as live streaming video is like surveilance cameras just rolling continuously which is pretty slow and boring but occasionally one of the two guys will roll some fuxed up playback like the clip here and it looks like someone spent lots of money on the special effects. If you can't see the video try the

try the quicktime version.

Back in 1998, I wanted to know what show it was so I pointed my browser to spacerex.com -- the address in the top left corner of the clip. What's weird is there was NO DNS ENTRY for that address. I checked it out a little further and found out that NO ONE HAD REGISTERED THE DOMAIN!

WHO would make a movie like this and put an UNREGISTERED DOMAIN NAME on it? So far no one has taken credit for the broadcast, which makes me think my dish is picking up something that isn't meant for public broadcast. Maybe it's George Lucas using his wireless modem to upload scenes of the next STAR WARS movie.

If you have any information about this clip or you are interested in helping me find the producer of this really weird show, please contact us

I'm offering a ca$h reward for any info that lead$ to the $ale of this domain name.

Thank$, $patz Curti$.