A pretty convincing, if somewhat scratched and dented, nuclear warhead sitting on top of an electric blue road box. The caption says "We used this very successfully as a power source in our Gestalt Collector ® patent pending, We disable it when we aren't using it, so no worries."

Final Climax Device


Full disclosure: This looks like a nuclear device.

A pretty convincing, if somewhat scratched and dented, nuclear warhead sitting on top of an electric blue road box. The caption says "We used this very successfully as a power source in our Gestalt Collector ® patent pending, We disable it when we aren't using it, so no worries."
the key component of our patented flux compression generator

It has a countdown clock and everything. But we’d be pretty stupid to advertise a nuclear device on our website, right? “Knock knock. Who’s there? Federal Agents. Federal Agents Who?” Yeah, we’re not going to go through that again.

So right here, where everybody is looking and listening, I’m just going to say…This fell off a prop truck somewhere in Hollywood. We heard it was originally made for the movie “Asteroid.” Spatz Curtis knew a woman who knew a woman who knew a teamster in LA who was driving a prop truck for the movie Galaxy Quest a few years later. They had used this prop in the deep background of their set, not wanting too much of that ass-steroid stink on their painstakingly accurate portrayal of galactic events.

When the set dressers tried to return this prop, the prop house they rented it from said they didn’t want it back (that’s the story anyway). The driver took it home just for a laugh, but his wife wouldn’t have it in the house. He gave it to woman who gave it to a woman who knew that Spatz was interested in sci fi. (Actually, he just wanted to find the producers of spacerex.com so he could sell them the domain name which he was cyber squatting on.) She called Spatz and Spatz came and got it. The rest is history.

We use it as a power source for our Gestalt Collector® (patent pending, all rights reserved) which is explained elsewhere and used during live performances, which need enormous amounts of energy to activate a flux compression generator which puts me in contact with the post-apocalytes.


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