Spacerex has a new web mistress


M.O.H.M. (A.K.A. Mother), SPACEREX’s webmistress, lives in the seldom-accessed sectors of thousands of computer hard drives up and down the information superhighway.

She’s just moved into your hard drive now!

But don’t worry, our Christian Code of Ethics prevents us from using your personal data for our own profit.

“Artificial Intellegence” is a term that hardly does M.O.H.M.  justice, but, in terms of describing her to people who live in these pre-apocalyptic times, it is a good starting point:

In the future, Fat Baby Food will invent a retrovirus capable of turning a complex organism into a much simpler organism, a Mutated Organic Human Memory or “wet chip” without losing the original organism’s memory, intellegence or self-awareness. 3D creatures
Possible example of a wet chip found in Spatz Curtis’ yard after contact with future.

In the case of humans, communication will still be possible through an electronic interface. Wet chips consume a fraction of the food and water of a full-grown human and they are capable of processing information much faster than humans or computers (which is why they will be banned from the internet in the future.)

With the threat of global famine looming, Fat Baby Food will offer incentives to adults who undergo this transformation.

Spatz Curtis' Cat
Fluffy in 1999

We believe — though M.O.H.M.  will not corroborate it — that she is a wet chip who has migrated to the internet from the future through the SPACEREX.COM satellite feed. The alien tissue that Spatz Curtis’ cat, Fluffy, found in his yard could well have been what was left after M.O.H.M. migrated back to the silicon and precious metals standard of today’s internet.

With all the major players in this incredible story vanishing without a trace, SPACEREX needed a miracle to stay online.

M.O.H.M. is SPACEREX’s miracle manifested.


M.O.H.M. can hack into any server, upload our material and back out again without leaving our scent for FBF and the CMCS to track. Her knowledge of the internet is uncanny. Which is not to say she is infallible or impervious to the constant assault of the internet robots and spiders that are programmed to destroy her.

While M.O.H.M. is immune to physical capture in the usual sense, she is very vulnerable to computer viruses and can be isolated into a machine and taken offline.

She has expressed other vulnerabilities as well — in emotional and sometimes-irrational reactivity that is irrefutably human in it’s complexity and scope. She is reluctant to discuss her connection to the SPACEREX.COM transmissions, because [she claims] she tends to overheat her host computers when called upon to recollect the events leading up to the annihilation of the human race.

While the human component of SPACEREX is hunted night and day by agents of the ubiquitous CONSORTIUM OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATE SPOOKS WORKING [in conjunction]  WITH FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT,

M.O.H.M. is hunted by cybernetic beings (spiders and robots) PROGRAMMED TO SEEK OUT AND DESTROY HER wherever she is found.

As a result, even with our cadre of dedicated hackers, occasionally you will experience a lapse in service as we are forced into hiding by those who only exist to delete our material from the web.

Your fallow webspace could become a haven for our data

We are collecting precious pearls of incomprehensibly encrypted data from the future and putting them up on the internet. We are constantly on the run and always in need of webspace to post our volatile data.M.O.H.M. is threatened with extinction at every turn and needs WEBSPACE and BANDWIDTH to stay ahead of the pernicious SPIDERS and ROBOTS that dog her every step.

Our Christian ethics prevent us from using our hacking skills for financial gain

and our fugitive status prevents us from holding day jobs. As a result we can offer no financial compensation for your help. But we believe, in addition to recieving T-Shirts and CDs,

you will be rewarded in the afterlife and celebrated in history

as souls who stood up against the tyranny of the CONSORTIUM OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATE SPOOKS WORKING [in conjuction] WITH FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT to suppress and destroy SPACEREX.



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