Cytostrux® Contagion

cytostrux® corruption close up
Fig. 1. “creeping death.”

The International Building Code Council and the Centers for Disease Control in Washington, as well as the ChinaCDC are meeting in an emergency session on Monday to address an infection affecting Cytostrux® architecture. Already dubbed “The Creeping Death” this viral infection is spreading across the North-Atlantic states. The calcium buildup shown here (figure 1.) is appearing on thousands of buildings in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey and seems to target Cytostrux®, a proprietary bioform engineered to grow into whatever rigid structures it’s dna has been instructed to take by it’s architects.

After The Space War, with the need for airtight, efficient and cheap building solutions being a matter of life and death, the Cytostrux® brand became an industry leader almost overnight. Since then vast arcologies, space stations, starships and ocean floor developments have used this biotech extensively.

That the infection seems to be spreading in an airborn vector is alarming.  “Possibly a bio-engineered attack, it targets the septin and spectrin proteins in the Cytostrux® organism, causing a breakdown in the propriety portion of the organism’s code. The leaching of calcium, and a general deterioration of the structure results. The organisms have, in an attempt to outperform the infected cells grown into these distinct sores which are the outermost sign of a much deeper problem.” said an anonymous source close to the investigation.

Cytostrux Domes infected with creeping death outside of Quito

“While certain crackpot religious groups have seen the face of Jesus and other figures appearing in the sores,” said CDC press secretary, Phil Wyn, “we have determined that the semi-symmetrical development is really just the Cytostrux® reverting, in it’s accelerated and corrupted state, to the cytoskeletal growth patterns of it’s eukaryotic (coral) derivatives, which cannot survive for very long in the non-aquatic environment.” That the sores are not completely symmetrical attests to the speed at which the infected cells are outstripping the healthy, albeit malfunctioning ones.

What is most alarming is the prospect of weakened structures collapsing on the surface or underwater, or losing pressure in space. At this time the Cytostrux® Corporation is working with the International Consortium of Disease Control and Prevention as well as the CDC, ChinaCDC and the International Building Code Council to find a solution. In the meantime they are asking the owners of infected Cytostrux® to take immediate steps. “This is a serious problem and we need everyone’s help to address it before it gets out of control.” Said Charlie Widenour, the Senator from New York heading up the investigation. Citizens can help by irrigating the sores with salt water, covering them with plasmid or some other vapor barrier to prevent the spread of the infection to other buildings and contact #CytoRemedy immediately.


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