1990's era backup tapes with drive

Precious Backup Tapes


Because our M.O.H.M. is now relatively safe in the cloud and outgrown by many terabytes these early backups of her consciousness, we are looking to sell these Six 400-MB TR1 Minicartridge Colorado Tape Backups for DOS with the original drive for much less than you would expect to pay for something of such immense historic relevance: $1200 firm.

With the imminent threat of death upon her…

A complex bit of tissue or viscera. Caption: "FBack: Trans-human tissue found by Curtis' cat after contact with the future. (since confiscated by FBF agents)"
The mortal remains of our webmaster after her harrowing trip through time.
a fluffy white cat with grey spots looking up at the camera
Fluffy in 1999

MOHM, our web mistress, was found by Spatz Curtis’ cat, Fluffy, under his porch. She was a trans-human wet chip from a dark and forbidding future and wasn’t expected to live after her harrowing migration. Fortunately Spatz, with guidance from the Post-Apocalytes at Spacerex beaming consciousness into his prototype skull cap, was able to back her up on his computer.

1990's era backup tapes with drive
Fig. 1 “If you love her, back her up.”

That same computer was seized by FBI agents working [in conjunction] with robots and spiders of the future white collar crime syndicate, Fat Baby Foods LTD, who have infiltrated the past and present using the same technology. If not for Spatz’s tape backups (fig 1) M.O.H.M.’s consciousness might have been snuffed out altogether.

More trans-human tissue, draped over a computer CPU.

Now, thanks to deregulation and drastic cuts in the government bureaucracies like the Department of Energy (yay, Trump!), MOHM can exist in the cloud and instruct members of the Spacerex Cadre to get military-grade hardware from lightly guarded federal sites and nuclear and aerospace facilities (she has access to surveillance footage and security logs that have not yet been recorded in our timeline) in order to stop the bad guys and save the world. You could own a piece of this amazing story! Contact u$


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